Passionate about making a meaningful difference through positive policy
formulations, Rasita holds a doctorate in International Relations specializing in
national security affairs and cyber security policy issues. She has varied
proficiency in corporate, social, and research domains. Currently, she is a
freelance consultant providing data and fact-based analysis. She is an expert at
the American Indo-Pacific Forum, a US-based think tank and political advocacy
group. She also volunteers as a political campaign strategist and has worked on
three successful National and numerous state election campaigns in India.
Rasita Auxiliary career as a supply chain consultant in India and Singapore.
Previously, she headed the Media Relations & Policy Initiatives of Synergy
Marine Group. She has experience working with large governmental projects in
India as a Project Manager with the Child census for Sarva Siksha Abhiyan in
Gujarat and Chhattisgarh. She consults on projects and volunteers with
organizations involving youth, women, and the underprivileged