Amb. Pradeep Kapur

Amb. Pradeep Kapur

Amb. Kapur is an acknowledged “luminary diplomat” with a distinguished
career, working closely with Indian Prime Ministers (including PMs Vajpayee,
Narasimha Rao, and IK Gujral), other Heads of Government, Heads of State,
and global leaders and policymakers in different continents of the world: Asia,
Africa, Europe, North America, and South America.
He is currently working as International Strategic Adviser to Intellect Design
Arena Inc. to support countries to develop their National Digital Fin-Tech
Infrastructure; Executive Director of “Smart Village Development Initiative” at
the WHEELS Global Foundation, an initiative of IIT Alumni in USA and India
(supporting rural development in the areas of Water, Healthcare, Education,
Energy, Livelihoods and Sustainability- with the acronym WHEELS); Director,
Ambassador’s Circle, American Hindu Coalition; Member, Advisory Board of the
Ashank Desai Centre for Policy Studies at IIT Bombay; and Chairman, Advisory