American Indo-Pacific Forum (AIPF) is a group focused on strengthening American Indo-Pacific Relationships in the background of QUAD-rilateral security dialogues and cooperative strategies in multiple spheres such as Security, Policy Management, Free and Open Indo-Pacific, etc.

The US-India Security Council and Forum, which played a crucial role in historic US-Indian cooperative undertakings, gave rise to the American Indo-Pacific Forum. We are spread across the United States and have chapters in various states. As a group, we look forward to presenting the quickly evolving Indo-Pacific Theater and the challenges, solutions, and preparedness of the American Indo-Pacific Alliance in the Region.


To build a cross-civilizational , collaborative, influential community of experts to guide and advise the geo-political decision makers in the Indo-Pacific region to deal with the constantly evolving challenges and keep it open, rule-based, and cooperative


Our think tank’s mission is to research and advocate for governance, national security, politics, military, technology, global finance, cybersecurity, space, and culture, with a specific focus on the Indo-Pacific region.

Our Team

Dinesh Neelavar

Arun Ayyagari

Shekhar Tiwari – President

Sivakumar Rajagopalan – Director

Dr. Rasita Vishnuram – Fellow

Ramesh Kapur

Satish Jha – Investor & Philanthropist

Amb. Pradeep Kapur


  1. Perform core research and expert analysis on all aspects impacting the Indo-Pacific region, leading to white papers and policy papers andissuing alerts to critical decision-makers in governance using predictivemodeling.

  2. Provide knowledge base access to other think tanks, experts, and globalgovernance leaders.

  3. Engage the government agencies and diaspora, both in the USA andIndia, in a bipartisan way on critical or sensitive matters, identify thegaps, and quickly bridge differences to promote long-term relationshipsfor growth and development.

  4. Work with key stakeholders in the USA and India to develop a long-termstrategy for a trusted and mutually beneficial partnership to lead theworld in areas of trade, economy, regional security, financial stability,defense, and technology

  5. Develop futuristic engagement models in the quickly evolving orchanging world order